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In this fusion-class Nia brings together strengthening and conditioning yoga asanas, flowing linking movements, and Belly Dance Technique. 

'Belly Dance' is an ancient dance form, at its very roots - a dance of initiation and ritual. It's circular and spiralling movements that celebrate the female form and dynamics of nature have the potential for healing and empowering women today. 

Belly dance activates the core and unusual muscle groups. By isolating and concentrating the body's movements, new neural pathways are formed and rigid linear patterns in the body and even the mind can unravel.

Nia has practiced Belly Dance technique for several years and most appreciates now, how her body naturally finds these movements when entering into a free-flowing dance practice.

Thursdays  Online until further notice

19.45 - 21.15 Central Europe

18.45 - 20.15  UK

10-week Course 

12.11.2020 - 28.01.2021  €140 

Monthly Courses thereafter 

February 04.02 - 25.02.2021  €56

Drop in - €16

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